Therapy process

Prior to beginning psychotherapy, an initial non-binding session and up to six diagnostic sessions take place. During these sessions, psychological assessments are conducted, in which one's current psychological difficulties and therapeutic needs are discussed. The results of the diagnostic testing and analysis are then openly discussed. After this phase is completed, psychotherapy can begin.

As the therapeutic relationship plays a central role in the therapeutic process, the initial and diagnostic sessions are essential for patients not only to gain more insight into their current struggles, but also to decide if they feel comfortable with their clinical psychologist and if they can build a positive working alliance.

Therapy costs

Patients who are statutorily insured ("gesetzlich versichert") can begin therapy in the RJS Practice. Statutorily insured patients are fully covered by their health care insurance. Due to the "Kassenzulassung", the clinical psychologists in the RJS Practice work predominately with patients who are statutorily insured. Even so, there are limited therapy openings for privately insured patients. Before beginning therapy, please be sure to contact your health care insurance, as you may have to pay for a percentage of the therapy sessions privately. 
